Wednesday, August 11, 2010

143 Million Orphans!

This number represents the estimated number of Orphans in the World today. I am heartbroken when I hear this truth.
And it’s not just "over there, over the ocean somewhere," in Africa or Asia. There are 225,000 orphans in the United States, 150,000 who could be adopted, all in our foster care system.

Years ago, I made a trip to Nigeria, Africa to work with mothers and children, many of whom were orphans. Little did I know then that my own womb would never have the ability (for no know medical reason) to carry a baby full-term, thus being unable to raise a biological child with my husband. I suppose that is why I am so touched when I think of the orphans.

 I remember when our son first came to us, I would look at him and weep, not only because I felt SO BLESSED to have been chosen by the Lord, and his Birthmother to be his "Mother," but also to know that he could just as easily been a child like so many others... with no mommy or daddy who cared for him... alone and neglected, hungry, cold, and worst of all, unloved.

I have a dream... not only do I want to adopt a little girl from China who needs a family, but afterward, when I am older and no longer raising my own children, I want to go and take help to children living in orphanages. I want to sit in China like a friend of mine does, spending entire weeks in the baby room holding, feeding and praying for the babies who otherwise would have just lain in their cribs all day.

Did you know that there aren’t enough workers in orphanages, and they aren’t trained well. Some of the babies have incurable problems, others have easily repairable conditions, others are perfectly normal. My friend told me she cried all week in the evening in her hotel room. She mourned for those little ones who had no mommy or daddy. I cried, too, when she told me about it. But for at least one week these babies were cuddled and loved and prayed for... perhaps as never before. She had made a difference, maybe only a small one, but a difference, after all.

We don’t all have to travel internationally to help these children, (but perhaps some of us could). Their needs are significant. We can meet some of those needs. So what can I do? For starters, I went to From there I found links to other websites that exist in relation to orphan care. Another thing to do is to investigate the foster care situation in one's state or city.

Reader, would you begin to think about and pray for ways you might help even some of these 143 million? Start by reading, and meditating on the following verses:

"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me."---------Matthew 18:5

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." -------------Matthew 19:14

My husband and I have been abundantly blessed by sticking our necks out just a little bit and taking some risk. I would not change any of the sacrifices we made to bring our son into our lives. And there will be more sacrifices, willingly made for our daughter-to-be to join us.

May the Lord help us in our journey. He has been ever faithful thus far...

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